These are some books that were helpful to me. You will find different opinions on specific details. I built my own plan from reading all of them. As I read my plan evolved till I found something that worked for me.
- Nourishing Traditions:
The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Mary G. Enig PhD, Pat Connolly, Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig - NeanderThin:
Eat Like a Caveman to Achieve a Lean, Strong, Healthy Body
by Ray V. Audette - In Defense of Food:
An Eater's Manifesto
by Michael Pollan - Why We Get Fat:
And What to Do About It (Vintage)
by Gary Taubes - The Schwarzbein Principle, The Program:
Losing Weight the Healthy Way
by Diana Schwarzbein